Vermillion Elementary
701 W. Dartmouth St.
Vermillion, SD 57069
2025-26 Tanager Preschool
- Preschool Transportation is available, $35/month (current rate)
- Registration for 2025-26 classes opens the first day of second semester (January 5, 2025)
Preschool Registration Form
Tanager Preschool FAQ’s
- How old must my child be to attend preschool?
- Children who are 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 1 of the upcoming school year may register for preschool.
- What are the hours of preschool?
- Morning Session: 8:15 am -11:00 am
Afternoon Session: 12:15 pm -3:05 pm
- How much does preschool cost?
- 5 Days/Week (M-F): $245 per month
- Tuition is due on the 1st of every month for September-May.
- Is there a registration fee?
- There is a non-refundable $75 registration/materials fee to be paid at the time of registration. This is in addition to regular tuition fees.
- How many students are in each class?
- Each section will cap at 12 students.
- Does my child need to have immunizations?
- Immunizations for preschoolers should be up to date.
- Does my child need to be toilet trained?
- All preschool children must be toilet trained prior to beginning preschool at Austin.
- Is there preschool bus transportation?
- We now have a Tanager Preschool minibus. Also, preschoolers may ride the school bus at dismissal with special arrangements (Ex: ride with an older sibling) and purchase of district bus pass. If a preschool student needs to utilize both forms of transportation (Tanager Preschool bus one way, district school bus one way), purchase of the preschool bus pass will cover both.
- Is there before or after school care provided on-site?
- Currently, there is not before or after school care at Vermillion Elementary for Preschool students
Still have questions about the Vermillion Public Preschool?
Vermillion Elementary School
Mrs. Johnson, Assistant Principal
Tracy Larson, Administrative Assistant to the Principal
Mrs. Sorensen, Preschool Teacher
Ms. Evans, Preschool Teacher