Austin Elementary
300 High Street
Vermillion, SD 57069
2025-26 Tanager Preschool
- Preschool Transportation is available, $35/month (current rate)
- Registration for 2025-26 classes opens the first day of second semester (January 5, 2025)
Preschool Registration Form
Tanager Preschool FAQ’s
- How old must my child be to attend preschool?
- Children who are 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 1 of the upcoming school year may register for preschool.
- What are the hours of preschool?
- Morning Session: 8:15 am -11:00 am
Afternoon Session: 12:15 pm -3:05 pm
- Morning Session: 8:15 am -11:00 am
- How much does preschool cost?
- 5 Days/Week (M-F): $245 per month
- Tuition is due on the 1st of every month for September-May.
- Is there a registration fee?
- There is a non-refundable $75 registration/materials fee to be paid at the time of registration. This is in addition to regular tuition fees.
- How many students are in each class?
- Each section will cap at 12 students.
- Does my child need to have immunizations?
- Immunizations for preschoolers should be up to date.
- Does my child need to be toilet trained?
- All preschool children must be toilet trained prior to beginning preschool at Austin.
- Is there preschool bus transportation?
- We now have a Tanager Preschool mini bus. Also, preschoolers may ride the school bus at dismissal with special arrangements (Ex: ride with an older sibling) and purchase of district bus pass. If a preschool student needs to utilize both forms of transportation (Tanager Preschool bus one way, district school bus one way), purchase of the preschool bus pass will cover both.
- Is there before or after school care provided on-site?
- Currently, there is no before or after school care at Austin Elementary for Preschool students
Still have questions about the Vermillion Public Preschool?
Mrs. Johnson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sorensen, Preschool Teacher