God, Flag, & Country Oratory Competition Winners

Winners of the God, Flag, & Country Oratory Competition Wyatt (age group 10-11 years)
and Morgan (age group 12-13 years) were presented with an award and a check.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles, Sunshine #2421 in Vermillion, hosted a God, Flag, & Country
Oratory Competition on February 25, 2025.

Since 1967, the God, Flag, & Country Oratory Program has been an integral part of the Fraternal
Order of Eagles’ drive to build patriotism and to instill a sense of pride within our youth. The
program invites children between the ages of 10 and 15 to prepare a three-minute speech
about what God, their flag, and their country means to them. The program is an excellent way
to encourage our youth to know and to appreciate the advantage of democracy, to possess a
love for their country and to take an active part in its operation, to learn respect for others, to
accept constructive feedback, to assume responsibility, and to accept consequences of their
own actions.

Contestants are scored in areas such as topic content, memorization, logic, knowledge of
subject matter, voice and projection, poise, and delivery effectiveness.
Congratulations to our local winners Wyatt Sivill (age group 10-11 years) and Morgan Stelling
(age group 12-13 years). They will advance to the State Competition in Valley City, ND in April
2025. State winners will have the opportunity to advance to the National Competition in Grand
Rapids, MI in July 2025.
