Complaint Policy


Constructive criticism of the schools will be welcomed by the board when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational program or to equip the schools to do their tasks more effectively.

Whenever a complaint is made directly to the board as a whole or to an individual board member, the individual or group involved will be advised to take their concern to the appropriate staff member.

The board believes that complaints and grievances are best handled and resolved as close to their origin as possible, and that staff should be given every opportunity to consider the issues and attempt to resolve the problem prior to involvement by the board. Therefore, the proper channeling of complaints involving staff, instruction, discipline, or learning materials will be as follows:

1. teacher (coach/director)

2. principal

3. superintendent

4. board

If a complaint, which was presented to the board and referred back through proper channels, is adjusted before it comes back to the board, a report of the disposition of the matter will be made to the board by the superintendent.

The board expects the professional staff to receive complaints courteously and to make a proper reply to the complainant.

Matters referred to the superintendent and/or board are requested to be in writing and should be specific in terms of action desired.

Concerns about board actions or board operations are welcome anytime.


Step 1:

The patron will meet with the proper school personnel as outlined in the channeling of complaints procedure to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved at the lowest possible level, the patron may take the complaint to the next level. Whenever a complaint about staff, instruction, discipline, or learning materials is received from a patron of the Vermillion School District by the school board, a board member, or an employee, a copy of the policy and procedure for resolution of the complaint (Item: KL and KL-E) shall be given to the patron.

Step 2:

The principal meets with the patron and employee involved individually or jointly in an attempt to resolve the problem. If resolution involved is agreeable to the patron, a report and implementation procedure will be made in writing by the principal. If no agreement is reached, the principal with render a decision in writing and a copy will be given to the patron, employee, and superintendent. Within 30 days the patron or employee may go to Step 3 by writing to the superintendent.

Step 3:

The complaint with the principal’s action will be given to the superintendent. The superintendent will meet with the patron, employee, and principal together or individually. If a resolution is reached, the superintendent will write a report and implementation plan, notifying the patron, employee, principal, and school board. If no agreement is reached, the superintendent will render a decision in writing and deliver it to the patron, employee, and principal. The patron or employee, within 30 days, goes to Step 4 by notifying the superintendent.

Step 4:

The school board will consider the complaint while meeting in executive session (if dealing with personnel). The superintendent will provide the board with the file packet which contains the complaints, the employee’s response, principal’s decision, and superintendent’s decision. At this hearing, the patron will explain the complaint, the superintendent will explain the administrator’s response, and the employee will explain their response. The school board will render its decision which will be implemented by the superintendent. The patron or employee may appeal this decision within 90 days to the circuit court as per SDCL 13-46